Signs And Symptoms Of Pubic Lice
Pubic lice are spread through direct contact. At night the itching will become. Pubic Lice Crabs Symptoms Risk Factors And Treatment Super small bugs in your pubic hair. Signs and symptoms of pubic lice . Signs and symptoms of pubic lice include itching in the affected areas especially at night inflammation and irritation caused by scratching and blue spots or small spots of blood on your skin such as on your thighs or lower abdomen caused by lice bites. They lay eggs nits and attach the eggs to body hair. The lice lay their eggs nits in sacs that stick to hair and are a pale brownish colour. Signs and symptoms of pubic lice are intense itching in the genital area lice crawling in the area or clinging to hair and lice eggs attached to hairs. Adult pubic lice and lice eggs are very small 2mm long and can be seen in coarse hair. Signs and symptoms of pubic lice include itching in the genital area and visible nits lice eggs or crawling lice. Lice bites cause an aller...