My Groin Smells
Every woman has her own unique scent and the odor can change throughout the month. After a while however my groin area seems to develop a strong smell that will get worse until I shower and then the process restarts. I Can Smell Myself Through My Pants Why And What To Do About It Is it just sweat Answered by Dr. My groin smells . In men the smell is typically based mostly within the region between the phallus and therefore the pouch. Please enable Javascript and refresh the page to continue. I hear something about boric acid Anti-Monkey Butt powder and others but do not know where. After a long day i noticed my groin area smells and it is hot. Showering after exercise or athletic activity can help reduce the bad-smelling effects of smells. Im so ashamed so expose myself because of the smell while we are out. A healthy vagina has no singular smell. The groin is covered with multiple layers of clothing making it more warm damp and sweaty than most other parts of the...