How Long Does It Take To Go Through Puberty
Puberty usually starts anywhere between the. Although the increase in height affects both the trunk and the limbs growth in the limbs usually happens first. What Are The Best Ways To Hit Puberty Faster Male Female People usually start going through puberty between ages 8 and 14. How long does it take to go through puberty . These are average ages when puberty changes may happen. Most of people ask that how long does puberty lasts for boys. It is a gradual process. You cant predict how long your child will go through puberty. But their puberty changes often begin before boys of the same age. Genetic nutritional and social factors determine when puberty starts and for how long it runs. Most girls grow another 1-2 inches after getting their period but increased height beyond that is less common. Puberty can last anywhere from 3 to 7 years. You may not go through puberty at the same time or in the same way as friends your age do. The numbers normally vary dep...