Dark Leafy Greens
They contain a payload of nutrients that support good health including antioxidants healthy fats fibre anti-cancer compounds amino acids anti-inflammatory phytochemicals blood-building minerals and. But almost any veggie that is dark green in color will add value to your diet. Why Dark Leafy Greens Wellfit Cuisine By Lisa Drew Wellness Leafy greens tend to be lower in calories yet dense in nutrition. Dark leafy greens . Leafy greens are best consumed when lightly steamed or cooked which allows your body to best absorb the nutrients. Studies show a significant association between folate intake and reduced colon cancer risk. Here are some flavorful and globally inspired recipes using some of the less common dark leafy greens and crucifers. Dark green leafy vegetables are great sources of nutrition. Dark green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin minerals and antioxidants. This dark leafy green a staple in the south is delicious and packed with vitamins and minerals. ...