Strong Body Odor In Children
During this period the underarm odor can be noted in children. Children usually develop a strong body odor once they reach puberty however it is not actually uncommon for younger kids to have armpit smells due to bacteria says pediatrician Dr. Body Odor In Children Causes Treatment And Home Remedies The trick is to find a way to discuss and manage your childs body odor without stigmatizing it. Strong body odor in children . If the kid is not taking a bath every day or not washing his underarms feet or pubic area properly then the bacteria accumulated there. Early onset of body odor or excessive perspiration may also signify an underlying medical condition. If your child is old enough and shows other signs of puberty the body odor could be one of the early signs of puberty. It is caused by overactive sweat glands and seems to be linked genetically in families. Limiting pungent foods like garlic and organic milk devoid of hormones can reduce body odor. Body odor is normal in...