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Why Would It Burn When A Man Pees

In men it is more common in older men than younger men. Many people who eat spicy foods on a regular basis may begin to wonder it always burns when I poop. Why Does It Burn When You Urinate When You Are Dehydrated Quora In both women and men having a burning sensation when you pee may be a symptom of a urinary tract infection or even a sexually transmitted infection. Why would it burn when a man pees . If it burns when you pee it might indicate the presence of Urinary tract infection or UTI. Heres why your poop burns after eating spicy foods To reduce frequent urination men can also work on. Burns when I pee may also be referred to as dysuria which is a condition that causes pain and discomfort during urination. The bacteria can travel upward from there and possibly even cause a kidney infection. However the good news is that cause is most likely easy to treat. Most causes relate to an infection of the urinary tract and testicles. Hello My problem so far does not